FEBRUARY 18, 2008
Present: Maguire, Eurich, Farnum, Prusi, Wassa
Absent: Adams
Vacant: One
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Maguire.
Motion Prusi second Eurich to accept the February 4, 2008 regular meeting minutes as printed. Carried.
Street Committee Chair Eurich reported that the committee recommends that Shreeves Road west of Main be pulverized and have a 3” bituminous layer added and east of Main have a 1 ½ “ bituminous layer added. The committee also recommends that 1 mil for local streets be added to the tax rate creating approximately $7500 in revenue each year that could be used for future paving projects.
Correspondence was received from MDOT informing of a Rural Elected Officials Meeting on March 12th; Albrecht Sand & Gravel requesting to be added to the village bid list for street work; Chapman Law Firm requesting utilities be turned off at 5093 W Center; Ron Thomas requesting the sewer billing for 5017 Armstrong be discontinued; and Fire Chief Dave Mattlin, Caro Fire Department providing a breakdown in mutual aid for his department.
Motion Prusi second Wassa to allow the sewer to be disconnected at 5017 Armstrong with the knowledge that there is a $250 re-connection fee. Carried.
Motion Prusi second Eurich to change the quarterly sewer billing rates to $46 for residential customers and $58 for commercial customers effective April 1, 2008. Carried.
Motion Wassa second Prusi to pay bills of approximately $7,538.90. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Bev Parsell, Clerk |