JUNE 15, 2009
Present: Maguire, Eurich, Hoag, Farnum, Prusi,
Absent: Hall, Adams
Guests: Police Chief James Sherrod, Linal Baur, Donnie Englehart, Bob Ahrens, Steve McAlpine, Joe Hess, Jerry Dibble, Fern Young, Steve Young, Bob Parsell, Todd Humpert, Lynn Rayner
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Maguire.
Motion Prusi second Hoag to accept the June 1, 2009 regular meeting minutes as printed. Carried.
Enter Adams 7:34 p.m.
Members of the Michigan Bean Festival stated the Motorsports Weekend went well with just a couple of questions to be discussed with Police Chief Sherrod.
Enter Hall 7:35 p.m.
Correspondence was received from Tuscola County Commissioner Amanda Roggenbuck inquiring whether the council would like her to attend a meeting to answer questions and discuss the relationship between the county and the village and the Wind Energy Resource Zone Board asking for input on its proposed report and informing of a public hearing scheduled for August 24, 2009. The council instructed the clerk to decline Commissioner Roggenbuck’s offer of a meeting.
The DPW Committee needs to schedule a meeting to further research the problem of having illegal storm sewer hookups into the sanitary sewer system.
MotionHoag second Farnum to have crack sealing performed on E. Center by Fahrner Asphalt Sealers for $2900. 6 Yea 1 Nay Carried.
Motion Prusi second Eurich to amend the Major Street Fund Budget by increasing the Preservation account by $2900. 6 Yea 1 Nay Carried.
The clerk informed the council that since brush will not be picked up until next spring, those residents who choose not to use the dump but continue to pile debris at curbside will be given blight ordinance violation notices by the police department. A new Welcome to Fairgrove sign was discussed with the clerk providing pricing from two sign makers. The Building & Grounds Committee will review the janitor applications. The annual audit was conducted by Weinlander Fitzhugh CPA and went very smoothly.
Motion Adams second Hoag pay bills of approximately $95,335.22. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Bev Parsell, Clerk