October 20, 2008
Present: Maguire, Eurich, Farnum, Wassa
Absent: Prusi, Adams
Vacant: One
Also Absent: Clerk Parsell
The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by President Maguire.
Motion Wassa second Eurich to accept the October 6, 2008 regular meeting minutes as printed. Carried.
Motion Wassa second Farnum to allow Brownie Troop #120 use of the municipal building for meetings on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month as long as there is no conflict with fire department meetings. Carried.
Chief Wassa presented the 3rd quarter police report.
Correspondence was received from the Tuscola County Planning Commission with criteria for master plans, zoning ordinances and P.A. 116’s, Michael Mitin with letter of resignation as a village police officer.
President Maguire suggested that a time clock be installed at the DPW for the full-time and part-time DPW employees and the part-time police officers. The council advised him to research costs and present at the next meeting.
Motion Wassa second Farnum to pay bills of approximately $7,088.52. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Kay Eurich, Trustee
Bev Parsell, Clerk (Taped meeting)