Fairgrove Village Council Minutes
Special Meeting
January 8th, 2016
A special meeting of the Fairgrove Village Council was called at 7:04 p.m. by President Wassa.
PRESENT: T. Wassa, D. Maguire, C. Phelps, B. Phelps
Visitors did not sign in.
B. Phelps moved to approve the agenda without changes. C. Phelps seconded the motion and the agenda was approved with a 4-0 vote.
President Wassa requested audience comments. A member of the audience requested that the audience be allowed to ask questions at the end of the meeting as most questions would likely be answered during the meeting. The board agreed.
President Wassa highlighted the current DPW position, the incurred associated costs and the services currently required by the village. A lively discussion ensued regarding comparative costs and benefits of outsourcing vs a full time employee. The board discussed various scenarios to fill the village requirements and decided that the parameters were too numerous to be fully determined at this time.
The board confirmed President Wassa has emergency authority to respond to village requirements and could contract on an as needed basis to meet village needs.
B. Phelps moved to postpone filling the DPW position for 6 months and evaluate outsourcing of the position during that time period. The motion was seconded by D. Maguire.
The roll call vote was in favor.
C Phelps Aye
B. Phelps Aye
D. Maguire Aye
T. Wassa Aye
President Wassa opened the floor for public comment and audience recognition. The audience provided positive support for the decision and offered the board information and suggestions on meeting the village’s immediate needs.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM Motion made by C. Phelps, seconded by D. Maguire and passed 4-0.
Minutes Approved _______________.
Heidi Stark
Fairgrove Village Clerk