May 5, 2008
Present: Maguire, Eurich, Prusi, Wassa
Absent: Farnum, Adams
Vacant: One
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Maguire.
Motion Prusi second Eurich to accept the April 7, 2008 regular meeting minutes as printed. Carried.
Fire Chief Young reported the department had 6 runs for April.
Motion Prusi second Wassa to approve having the twelve fire department air packs flow tested at approximately $800. Carried.
MotionPrusi second Eurich to approve Corey Maguire as a probationary fire fighter pending an acceptable physical exam. Carried.
Enter Adams 7:52 p.m.
The street administrator reported that there were several trees in the village that needed to be removed and numerous more that needed to be trimmed. The DPW was instructed to get cost estimates for this work.
Correspondence was received from De-J’s Party Store, Cale and Jennifer Hoag, showing an interest in purchasing the lot at 5020 W. Center which currently belongs to the village. The clerk was instructed to obtain a value for that lot.
Trustee Wassa introduced Truck Ordinance #57 to the council. This ordinance would prohibit certain sized trucks driving through local streets within the village.
Motion Prusi second Eurich to pay bills of approximately $22,304.45. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Bev Parsell, Clerk